Monday, December 12, 2011

Bad Drivers!!

You know the way I think about this is that some people really should go  back to driving school or go on tv on the show Canada's worse drivers, it's pretty bad in a small town when u get people that think they run the roads and don't care someone is crossing the cross walk or people that don't pay attention and pull right out in front of u, where u have to slam onto your breaks! it's really a wonder why their is not more car crashing and people being flatten. Like today I had a woman who had a stop sign that never even looked I was there and pull out right in front of me. Like really I get this all the time from people and least I am cautious about over drivers cause u never know the only one u can trust is your self. now I can't blame it all on the driver the high school kids around here r bad to they stand on your side of the road and won't move and u have to go around them. One guy gave them a hook once and they just put up the middle finger. That is one of the sad things about this planet people r losing respect with other people and not caring.